I love Christmas.

However, it can be a really stressful time of year. It’s a time when your home goes on show, much more than usual. So this year, I’m making a big effort and having a tidy up before the Christmas tree goes up, whilst at the same time, using this time as an opportunity to declutter all my Christmas stuff. I have four big boxes of Christmas “stuff”: decorations for the tree, the house, wrapping paper, cards bought in the sales earlier in the year etc.

3 Steps to decluttering your Christmas decorations

Decluttering your Christmas decorations is quite easy. What I did was simply asked myself three questions:

  1. What do I need to decorate the house for Christmas? Well, for Christmas, I needed Christmas trees, the things to decorate the tree, lights, things to decorate the dinner table around Christmas and so on. We’ve been married several years and have accumulated a lot of decorations, and a way of decorating the house.
  2. What have I left? Once I had everything decorated, it was important to look at what was actually left in the boxes. Wrapping paper and cards could be used next year, but what was left over was stuff I wasn’t using. It was time to let it go.
  3. What could I get rid of? Some things had gotten damaged, so they were thrown away. Some weren’t needed any more, but could be useful to someone else, so these are being boxed up to take to the St Vincent de Paul.

Now that I have this done, my next focus is not to buy any more decorations, unless they are better than what I have. In which case, whatever comes into the house will be offset by something leaving the house. For example, before I buy any more Christmas cards in the sales, I need to check what I have left over.

That’s it for today. Take care, and remember, you ARE resourceful, creative and whole.
