My 12 challenges for 2016

My 12 challenges for 2016

The best definition of what life coaching actually is that I’ve come across, was on the Positive Psychology Programs website:

Life coaching is generally predicated on the belief that a person has the solutions to their most pressing questions and challenges within them — the role of the coach is to help a client uncover these solutions themselves. Through asking the right questions, providing insight and an objective perspective, and serving as a source of accountability, coaches help people remove their personal limitations in order to reach their true potential.

As part of one of my projects for my coaching course, I asked friends, family, colleagues and clients to provide feedback on what they thought about me, using some coaching questions. I believe that by setting goals and achieving them, I can build on my success, and move towards achieving my own true potential. With this in mind, one of these questions asked them to set a challenge for me in 2016. These are the challenges they came up with:

  1. See through decluttering your house. Every room should have the minimal amount to be functional.
  2. Exercise – go for walks it clears your mind, eat healthy.
  3. Self care ..  get fit .. reduce sugar intake..  look after your health..
  4. Get published
  5. Finish the tasks you set off to do before starting new ones.
  6. Focus!
  7. Take up a hobby that gets you out meeting people for fun.
  8. A really high Zip line! Full freedom for 90 seconds!
  9. For your child to be able to recall 6 standout memories of time spent with you.
  10. Create a business around your skill and passion, make a go of it and stay focused on what gets you the results.
  11. Continue with study and professional development.
  12. Organise an event to promote yourself.

These have become my 12 challenges for 2016.

So far, I’ve:

  • started getting fit, by attending the Sásta fitness studio and started losing weight with Lighter Life.
  • signed up to Bréne Brown’s e-course, the Quality Coaching Circle, several business conferences and am reading everything about decluttering that I can find.
  • booked to do a zip line and talked with my son about creating 6 amazing memories with him next year.
  • set up this website and am blogging about decluttering my own home
  • started developing a 31 day decluttering challenge
  • met with my own life coach and am scheduled to see her again.

So that’s me. I’m not doing any New Year resolutions next year. I have goals, and the means to achieve them. What would you like to achieve next year? If you could set yourself 12 goals, what would they be? I’d love to hear what you come up with.

Take care for now, and remember, you ARE resourceful, creative and whole.


PS Don’t forget, if you’d like to work with me to develop your own successes,just get in touch. My life purpose is to help you achieve your true potential.