If you really want your profile to stand out, then one of the things that you can do is add bullets and symbols to your profile (I’ve added a skull and cross bones to my headline for Halloween). Copy and paste the one’s I’ve added below to make your profile stand out.

Headline separators: ★ ✔

Bullet points: ♦ ● ○ • ◦ ■ □ ▪ ▫ ❖ ❒ ✽ ✼

Arrows: → ⇒ ⇨ ⇢ ≻ ► ▻ ▶ ▷ ➽ ➸ ➲ ➨ ➪

Numbered lists:




Communication symbols: ☎ ☏ ✆ ✉

Business symbols: © ® ™

Currency symbols: € ₤

Pointers: ☛☞

Holiday symbols: ☠ ☃


If you want to look up what symbols are available, then in MS Word:

● Go to Insert, Symbol

● Now click on [More symbols]

● Change the font to “Arial Unicode MS”

● Change the subset to view the relevant symbols e.g. Arrows, Miscellaneous symbols

● Click on [Insert] to insert the symbol into your word document, and then copy and paste it into your profile.

Why not share with us which bullets and symbols you like or have found on other LinkedIn profiles. We could always add more!