One way to get noticed, especially in large groups, is by becoming a top contributor in that group. When you do this, your image and headline are shown on the top right hand side of the group, for everyone to see.
LinkedIn introduced this facility in 2013, and they have created different levels on which to score your contribution to the group:
- Getting started
- Finding an audience
- Making an impact
- Building influence
- Top contributor
These levels are calculated on a daily basis, and are based on how active you are within the group. This could be by posting new discussions or by commenting within discussions. The more active you are, the higher you are rated.
How to become a top contributor in LinkedIn groups
If you want to be recognised as a top contributor in one of the Linkedin groups that you are a member of, then you need to be:
- Liking other peoples posts
- Commenting on other peoples posts. This can be as simple as saying thank you for posting such an interesting article.
- Posting updates yourself. To get noticed though, it’s not enough to post lots of updates. These updates need to engage other users. For example, instead of just posting a link to your blog post, add a question such as would you agree, or would you do this differently? That way, you’re actually inviting people to comment.
One way of getting noticed in LinkedIn groups is to become a top contributor. This is very simple to do, however, it takes time and effort. Monitor your own activity and see how LinkedIn rates your activity within the group.
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Take care for now
Karen x