The art of folding clothes

The art of folding clothes

Because I was kind of ahead of myself on the decluttering front, having had a really good clear out of the lounge, I had a quick look on YouTube for some videos from Marie Kondo. There are loads of videos about using the #konmarie method, and people seem to have had some really great results. What struck me most was the impact folding had.

Have a look at this video to see what I mean:

I gave this a try with my decluttered underwear drawer, and I found two things happened:

  • I could see exactly how many pairs of undies I had
  • there was a massive amount of space freed up in the drawer!
undies drawer

undies drawer

The thing about folding everything this way, is that the items don’t occupy as much space. I was able to add my pyjamas to the drawer!

Have a try yourself. Take everything out of your undies drawer, and fold your undies the #KonMarie way before putting them back. It didn’t take me long, and it actually felt quite relaxing doing it The bonus is that not only can you see what you have, what you have doesn’t occupy as much space!

I’m going to revisit a couple of other drawers.

Take care for now.

Karen x