Bedroom declutter checklist

Decluttering courses

I’ve had a look at the feedback from both the Facebook page and the Facebook group, and the priority seems to be to develop weekend decluttering courses for the bedroom and the wardrobe. I’ve decided to do both, simply because when you declutter your bedroom, you kind of need to declutter your wardrobe. Consequently the courses will have similar structures and resources.

I’ve already created checklists for the:

  • bedroom declutter
  • bedroom spring clean

These are available both as a web page, and as a printable download.

You can visit the courses as below:

There is still much work to be done, but I’m aiming to get the courses finished for Friday.

Don’t forget, if you’d like to do the 31 day declutter challenge, then you can use the form to the right to sign up.

You can also join our Facebook group to access support from people in exactly the same position as you.