Decluttering the kitchen table

Decluttering the kitchen table

I have a client coming up to the house for a training session in a couple of days, so clearing and cleaning the kitchen has become top priority. Today, I’m focused on finishing my dining area. I decluttered the shelf containing my recipe books, so that just leaves the kitchen table.

I don’t know about you but my kitchen table, instead of being a place where we can sit down and have a meal, tends to become a dumping ground for different things. I’d completely cleared it and decorated it for Christmas, so it’s surprising how much has found it’s way back onto the table. This is going to be a relatively quick clean up and declutter.

So here’s what I did:

  • old receipts were put in the fire
  • magazine storage units were removed to the pile of things to give away
  • place mats were removed and washed
  • the table-cloth was washed and ironed
  • un-opened bottles of wine went back to their cupboard
  • little ones school stuff went back into his school bag
  • pencils and pens went back to their storage space

With the dining area completely sorted, it was time to give it a clean, so:

  • window sills were wiped
  • paintings were dusted and wiped
  • the ledge over the kitchen door was wiped
  • the floor was vacuumed and then washed, moving the kitchen table from one side to the other to get all areas done
  • chair cushions returned to the place
  • the tablecloth was returned and the place mats added

One of the bad habits I’ve gotten into is keeping the window blinds down because the kitchen table is by the window and so decluttered. My final action was to open the window blind and let in the light. It made such a difference. The room is not only clean and tidy, but looks so much bigger and brighter.

That’s me for today.

Take care for now

Karen x