Declutter challenge day 7

Decluttering day 7

At the start of this week, my goal was to declutter my bedroom. It was a big job involving changes in furniture, decluttering my books  and generally tidying up. I’ve haven’t completed this goal, and it’s on hold for a couple of weeks whilst:

  • I find someone to take the books. A friend is looking into this for me.
  • We have some where else for the spare furniture.We’re hoping this will be at the beginning of February.

In the meantime, I’ve been able to bank some successes:

  • wardrobe decluttered
  • underwear drawer cleared out
  • skin care products decluttered
  • make-up decluttered
  • accessories decluttered
  • bathroom cleaned and tidied
  • medicines decluttered
  • 7 black bin bags filled and dealt with

During the week, I also set myself 100 goals for the new year. So today, I was able to tick off one goal, and that was to take the family to the greyhound racing track in Mullingar. We had a relaxing family day out on a Sunday afternoon, and it was great. We met up with other family members there and caught up on the gossip.

Greyhound racing is something of a family business. My grandfather was into breeding dogs and when he passed away, they held a minutes silence for him. These days, my uncle continues to breed and train them. However, from my point of view, it’s one of the few activities that both my Dad and my son both seem to enjoy. So that was my reward for the week, and a goal for the year was ticked off. When all’s said and done, it was a pretty good week, and a great start to the new year.

Take care for now

Karen x