How to create your own Google-able LinkedIn public profile

When I review someone’s profile, one of the first things that I check for is if they have personalised their URL.  When LinkedIn creates your profile it assigns a random link made up of your name, letters and numbers.  This link can then be used by LinkedIn users and non-LinkedIn users to view your own Google-able LinkedIn public profile.



It’s a very simple process, which begins by logging onto your LinkedIn account, and then navigating to your “Edit Profile” screen.

  • Click on the “Edit” link to the right of your current URL
How to create your own Google-able LinkedIn public profile

On the right hand side, you now have the option to “Customize your public profile URL”

Click on this link


You will now see a message box that has a space for you to type in your URL.

First try your name.  If that has been taken, then try alternatives until you find a link that has not been taken e.g. johnsmithaccountant

Note from LinkedIn: “Your custom URL must contain 5 – 30 letters or numbers. Please do not use spaces, symbols, or special characters”



Now that your personalised URL has been saved, take a look at the right hand side.  This is where you can customise your public profile.

Just choose whether or not you want a public profile, and then tick which sections you’d like to appear.

As a minimum, I would suggest including:

  • your headline
  • your summary
  • your skills

Click on “Profile” to view your updated profile.

As you can see, you can still change your URL if you’re not happy with it, or you change your name e.g. ladies who get married.


Now that you have your own unique URL to your public profile, why not add this to:

  • your email signature
  • your business/networking cards

I hope you found this lesson useful.  Remember, you can connect with me on LinkedIn using the following link.