week1 declutter challenge: handbags

week1 declutter challenge: handbags

As I’ve said in my previous post, I’ve sorted out my clothes, so next on my list to declutter are my handbags.

I love handbags. No matter what weight you are, you can always choose a great handbag. They come in all shapes and sizes, and have any different functions: from the day to day handbag to the clutch bag for evening wear.

In terms of my handbag collection, some of them I inherited from my sister, who had, what can only be described as an extensive collection herself. In addition, when mum passed away, I was also given her collection of bags. She’d bought many from her travels to Italy, and had kept some of my sisters too. Can you see where I’m going? Yep. Fraid so. I have wayyyyyy too many handbags, but because of the emotional attachment, I haven’t let many of them go. But it’s time.

So my challenge this week is to choose the handbags that I love. Me, no-one else.

At the moment, I have absolutely no idea how many bags I actually have, There are some stored in suitcases, some in my bedroom, and some scattered around the house. The KonMarie technique involves you collecting every single item in the category that you’re tackling, and bringing them into one place so that you can try on, touch, feel and ultimately choose which items to keep. So this week, it’ll be hunt the handbag, collect them together and focus on which ones you love. I’ll be taking photos so you can see my journey and how I get on. Wish me luck!