How to create a professional Outlook signature

How to create a professional Outlook signature

Outlook signatures are a great time saver. This post will show you how to set them up, so that each new email has a signature already added.

1. In Outlook, click on [New Email].  Only now will have the option of a signature.

create an Outlook signature

2. Click on the [Signature] button (to the right of “Attach File”) and choose [Signatures].

Create an outlook signature

3. Click on “New”

4. Give your new Outlook signature a name e.g. business, private, home etc

5. Now create your Outlook signature.  I always sign mine “Kind regards, with my name in a handwriting font.  I also include: Job Title, Company, website address, phone numbers.Tip: Make sure that you have a default signature for new emails and those forwarded – saves time!

If you want to look professional:

Next time you create a new e-mail, your default signature will be displayed, or if you have more than one signature, you could always chose a different one.

NB.  I used Office 2010 for these instructions.