How to add 1 million users to your LinkedIn network in less then 1 minute!

As LinkedIn gathers more and more users, it’s actually getting harder and harder to get found.  If you carry out a search on any given skills, there are potentially millions of candidates there.  Great for recruiters, not so great if you’re looking for a job!  LinkedIn search then displays the results in terms of the person carrying out the search.  It prioritises the results as follows:


  1. 1st degree connections, then 2nd degree, then groups, then 3rd degree, then everyone else.
  2. how connected you are to the person.  Things like skills, education, experience, location all count when LinkedIn assesses how connected, or how much you have in common, you are with the people in the results
  3. the completeness of your profile.  LinkedIn states that “users with complete profiles are 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn”

This means that in order to get found, you need a strong network of connections within your industry.  One way of increasing your network is by the use of groups. To find the groups with the biggest number of users use this trick.

A 100% complete profile is defined as:

  • a profile photo
  • your country and industry
  • an up-to-date current position with description
  • two past positions, again with descriptions
  • your education
  • at least 3 skills
  • at least 50 connections
How to add 1 million users to your LinkedIn network in less then 1 minute!

To the left of the search box is a drop down menu.  Tick “Groups” so that LinkedIn searches on the groups.Now, leave the search box blank and click on the magnifying glass to carry out a blank search.This is what I get:
How to add 1 million users to your LinkedIn network in less then 1 minute!

Take a look at the first group.  It has 1.5 million members, over 7 thousand discussions and when you have a look, tons of jobs get posted here as discussions too!  As it is an open group, just click on [Join] and bob’s your uncle, your network has grown by over 1 million LinkedIn users. You can add 1 million users to your LinkedIn network in less then 1 minute!
Give it a try and let me know what you think.Remember, you can connect with me on LinkedIn using the following link.