Being cluttered is about having too much stuff. This maybe about having too many things or having too much to do. However, being untidy is about being disorganised. Your things don’t have their own place, or if they do, then they’re are in the wrong place. If you have too much stuff, then it becomes harder to keep things tidy, because you run out of places to put things.
The #KonMarie method is all about helping you tidy your house by decluttering it first. Once you have decluttered your home, then you can organise it, so that everything in it has it’s own home. When everything has it’s own home, then tidying up is simply about returning things to their rightful place.
Sounds easy, right?
It actually is, but that doesn’t mean to say it isn’t hard work. It was only once I started decluttering that I realised how disorganised everything was. Even after I decluttered my handbag collection, I still found handbags around the house! That is why Marie Kondo suggests that you should gather all items of the same type together when you declutter, and that when you find things afterwards then they should automatically be removed. However, I’ve found that because I was disorganised, I kept finding little treasures that I’d lost.
So this month, I’m going to get more organised. I’ve been reading Julie Morgenstern’s book “Organising from the Inside Out”, and will be applying her techniques for the coming weeks.
Take care for now
Karen x