Posts around self-publishing100 Goals for 2025: Starting a new chapter
100 Goals for 2025 It's been a couple of years since I did a goal setting post, and in that time I've navigated my husband's diagnosis and then his loss. 2024 was hard, but it's also paved the way...
10 strategies for social media engagement for self-publishing authors
If you're a self-publishing author, mastering social media engagement is key to developing and nurturing your author platform. At the heart of this is delivering consistent value and keeping your...
Planning your social media strategy for non-fiction authors
Discover how non-fiction authors can align book planning with social media strategy to enhance authority and business growth. Learn the importance of strategic content, audience engagement, and leveraging social media for expanding market reach and building professional credibility.
What is bleed and why might it matter?
Each year, I order a planner from a specific author. It's quirky, colourful and fun, and yet one year, I received a copy, and it was just black and white. When I contacted the author, I found out...
Is it enough to have an author page on Amazon?
This was a question that came up on Quora: is it enough to have an author page on Amazon? Let's start by clarifying what an author page is. What is an author page on Amazon? Have you ever bought a...
10 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Published My First Book
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and when I look back at my time as an author, there are so many things I wish I'd known then that I know now, lessons that I've learned the hard way. Here are just...
What is self-publishing?
One of the first questions people ask me when I explain what I do, is "What is self-publishing?" so in this knowledge-base article, we're going to look at what self-publishing is and why this route...
How to format a book in MS Word in 8 easy steps
As a seasoned author, I find immense joy in formatting books for authors, and preparing them for upload onto Amazon KDP. If you're familiar with MS Word, you'll be delighted to know that achieving a...
The PUBLISH Method: 7 Steps to Crafting and Selling Journals
Journals are more than just empty pages bound together. They are powerful tools that allow individuals to express themselves, capture their thoughts, and organize their lives. If you're passionate...
5 Amazing Benefits of Journaling for Mental Health
The Benefits of Journaling for Mental Health There are so many benefits of journaling, but the most important by far is the positive impact it can have on our mental health. In this post, we'll...
Traditional v self publishing: pros and cons
While both routes have their advantages and disadvantages, it is essential to understand the differences between traditional and self-publishing to make an informed decision. In this blog post, we...
Can you create a print book in Canva?
In today's blog post, I answer the question: "Can you create a print book in Canva?" and show you 10 things you need to consider before doing it. This question appeared on Quora today: "How can I...
Should you make your own book covers?
My question today is: Should you make your own book covers? I published my first book on Amazon in 2012. I was called How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile and whilst at the time I thought it was...
5 Mistakes you’re making formatting your book for Amazon
One of my favourite things to do is to take a messy manuscript and turn it into a lovely well-ordered file ready to upload to Amazon, Lulu and IngramSpark. I'm also a bit of a troubleshooter when it...
5 Reasons why your book won’t be a bestseller
One of my favourite courses to deliver is the "Publish a Book in Just 5 days" challenge. However, one of the things that I say from the start is that the finished book that I publish on day 5 is not...