
Posts around self-publishing

Decluttering day 8 – my lounge

My goal for week 2 was to declutter my lounge. This is the place I spend most of my time. It's a space for relaxing with family, watching tv and movies, playing games and just having a good cup of...

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Weekly book review – Essentialism

Another of my goals around personal development is to read one book a week. I'm cheating here, because this book is one that I'm reading again. “Essentialism: The disciplined pursuit of less” by...

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TED Talks of the week – sleep

One of my personal growth goals for the year is to watch a TED talk each day. Over the next week, I'm going to be watching some TED talks around sleep. Sleep is an essential requirement for success....

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100 Goals for 2016

Last year, ok it was a couple a weeks ago, I bought the Leonie Dawson's Shining Year workbooks and one of the things she asks you to do is set out 100 goals for yourself for the coming year. This...

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Declutter Challenge day 3 – Books

Day 3 didn't start particularly well for me. I was woken up at 7.30am by my Dad after he confused the time/date of his doctors appointment. We did get to the doctors, much later, but it derailed my...

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