Posts around self-publishingBook review: Heidi Grant Halvorson – Nine Things Successful People Do Differently
This isn’t a big book, but it packs a powerful punch. Heidi Grant Halvorson simply sets out the 9 things that successful do differently, and not only explains what they are, but also why they work....
TED talks of the week – being inspired
TED talks of the week - being inspired TED has created a number of playlists for people to watch, and I came across one called: to boldly go. So these are the talks that I'll be watching this week....
Decluttering day 12 – The art of folding clothes
Because I was kind of ahead of myself on the decluttering front, having had a really good clear out of the lounge, I had a quick look on YouTube for some videos from Marie Kondo. There are loads of...
Decluttering day 11 – 10 Quotes from Marie Kondo
My journey as a Clutter Coach began when I started reading Marie Kondo's book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying. So today, I'd like to share with you 10 quotes from her book. Hopefully, they'll...
Decluttering day 10 – my Facebook account
One of the key premises of essentialism is that you focus your time and energy to what is important. The things that are important are those that advance your life's purpose, your goals and your...
Decluttering day 9 – 10 Commandments of decluttering
I was looking at the Karen Brown Training website, to see which blog posts to bring over to this site, and came across an old one about my 10 commandments for LinkedIn. So this got me thinking about...
Decluttering day 8 – my lounge
My goal for week 2 was to declutter my lounge. This is the place I spend most of my time. It's a space for relaxing with family, watching tv and movies, playing games and just having a good cup of...
Decluttering day 7 – reviewing the week
At the start of this week, my goal was to declutter my bedroom. It was a big job involving changes in furniture, decluttering my books and generally tidying up. I've haven't completed this goal,...
Weekly book review – Essentialism
Another of my goals around personal development is to read one book a week. I'm cheating here, because this book is one that I'm reading again. “Essentialism: The disciplined pursuit of less” by...
Declutter challenge day 6 – keeping the things you love
One of the key principles in Marie Kondo's book is to keep the things you love. With that in mind, I'd decluttered my wardrobe, or so I thought. I'm going to be going on a break at the end of next...
TED Talks of the week – sleep
One of my personal growth goals for the year is to watch a TED talk each day. Over the next week, I'm going to be watching some TED talks around sleep. Sleep is an essential requirement for success....
Declutter challenge day 5 – getting some help
Today is New Year's day, so after setting out my goals for the year, I planned on taking things easy. My husband had other plans though. Before we went to collect my Dad and bring him over for...
100 Goals for 2016
Last year, ok it was a couple a weeks ago, I bought the Leonie Dawson's Shining Year workbooks and one of the things she asks you to do is set out 100 goals for yourself for the coming year. This...
Declutter Challenge day 4 – keep trying
Yesterday the day was derailed by Dad being a bit poorly. He's still not a 100%, but today is New Year's Eve, so my focus has been on tidying up downstairs and decluttering my books. I've only been...
Declutter Challenge day 3 – Books
Day 3 didn't start particularly well for me. I was woken up at 7.30am by my Dad after he confused the time/date of his doctors appointment. We did get to the doctors, much later, but it derailed my...