Posts around self-publishingDecluttering challenge day 2 – Finishing the wardrobe declutter
Yesterday I set out my goal for this week, which was decluttering my bedroom. To date, I've already decluttered my clothes. Today, I wanted to clear out my underwear drawer, skin-care products and...
Declutter challenge day 1 – Planning for success
Benjamin Franklin famously said: If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail! So it is for this reason that day 1 of my declutter challenge is all about planning. However, before you make any...
How to get rid of your stuff
Once you have made the decision to let something go, then the next big decision is how to get rid of your stuff. Strictly speaking there are actually only three ways to do this: Throw it away. Some...
How to let go of stuff
I don't know about you, but I find it really hard to let go of stuff. I guess that's why my house has got to the point it is now. Let me give you an example. My 17 year old dress Soon after I met my...
How to set SMART ARSE Goals
On my coaching course, when we looked at goal setting, we were reintroduced to SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely). We were then shown a couple of variations on...
Choosing the right decluttering methodologies for you
Whilst I absolutely love Marie Kondo's Magic of Tidying book, there are a number of different decluttering methodologies out there. In this post, I'm going to look at the ones that I've come across...
How to create your own success bank
Over the last year, anytime I had too much change in my purse, or found any change lying around, I'd pop into into a large bottle-shaped piggy bank. This bottle was full of 1c, 2c, 5c, 10c etc...
My 12 challenges for 2016
The best definition of what life coaching actually is that I've come across, was on the Positive Psychology Programs website: Life coaching is generally predicated on the belief that a person has...
How to declutter your inbox
Not only do I want to declutter my home, but other areas of my life are cluttered too. One example of this is my inbox. At the moment, my personal email address has over 4000 unread emails, mostly...
Steps to success: Stepping off the red platform
What the heck was I thinking? This morning I was up at 5.45am, in the shower and off to the gym. Sásta is based in Carrick on Shannon, near where I live and they have these pod, where you're on a...
3 Steps to decluttering your Christmas decorations
I love Christmas. However, it can be a really stressful time of year. It's a time when your home goes on show, much more than usual. So this year, I'm making a big effort and having a tidy up before...
10 Benefits of decluttering
In the last couple of days, we've looked at what clutter is and why it's important to declutter. Today we're going to be a bit more positive and think about the benefits of decluttering. Here are my...
5 Reasons why decluttering is important
I have to confess that whilst I was completing my coaching course, there were several weekends where I was away, and so unable to keep up with the housework. Consequently, my house has become more...
What is clutter?
Before we can talk about decluttering, we first need to look at what clutter actually is. What is clutter? One definition is that it is "to fill or cover (something) with many things". It's usually...
How to find your life purpose
When my sister was little, she always knew that she wanted to become a nurse. That goal never changed. At school she chose subjects that would help her get into Nursing School. When she failed her...