Posts around self-publishingUpdated content – 5 Simple things…
Updated content As part of my own personal branding exercise, I'm going through all my content and updating it. One of the things that I had as a free give-away: 5 Simple things that you can do now...
60 Personal Branding mistakes made on LinkedIn
The cornerstone of your professional brand is your LinkedIn profile, so any mistakes made here will affect your personal branding efforts. Here are 60 common mistakes that I've come across when I do...
LinkedIn News: LinkedIn buys
Yesterday, LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner announced that LinkedIn were acquiring the premium online course platform The aim is to create a platform that combines their Economic Graph data, what...
Personal branding: developing your personal style
I love movies. From Laurel and Hardy to Dumb and Dumber, I could spend days in the cinema. One of my favourite movies from the 80s is Working Girl, starring Harrison Ford, Sigourney Weaver and...
Personal branding: how does your professional image rate?
The cornerstone of your personal branding arsenal is your professional image. Does yours measure up? Last month, I had a look at Photofeeler and got some feedback on the photo that I use pretty much...
12 Ways you can build your personal brand on LinkedIn
In terms of your professional online reputation, there is one social media channel that can help you more than any other and that is LinkedIn. Here are 12 ways that it can help you build your...
How to monitor your personal brand
Your personal brand is a combination of your online and offline reputations, and your private and professional reputations. These combine into four different reputations that need to be managed...
Developing your personal branding toolkit
Your personal branding toolkit is just a way of communicating your personal brand. There are a number of very simple ways that you can do this: Your networking card. On this card include a photo of...
How to build a personal brand statement
You are unique. You have a set of qualifications, skills and experiences that may be common within your industry, but when you add your passions, character, personality and personal values to the...
Personal branding for job seekers: why it matters
In Ireland, when strangers meet, they ask two questions: where are you from and do you know x person... The first few minutes of conversation is taken up with finding a common connection. A real...
How to create a QR code for your LinkedIn profile
One of the first things that I check when I review someone's LinkedIn profile is whether or not they have personalised their LinkedIn URL. One of the reasons for this, is that if someone were to...
30 LinkedIn posts you shouldn’t miss
Day 1 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge It's taken me a while, but I'm finally ready to complete Sarah Arrow's 30 Day Blogging Challenge. I don't know why it's taken me so long, but I suppose one of...
How to add bullets and symbols to your LinkedIn profile
If you really want your profile to stand out, then one of the things that you can do is add bullets and symbols to your profile (I've added a skull and cross bones to my headline for Halloween)....
5 Reasons to remove a connection from LinkedIn
We've looked at how you can get found on LinkedIn and how you can send out invitations to connect that will get accepted, but in this post, we're going to look at some of the reasons why you may...
A quick tip to help spot a fake LinkedIn profile
Here's a quick tip that may help you spot a fake Linkedin profile. Last night, I was checking my LinkedIn account and saw I had an invitation to connect. After checking the person's profile I...