How to organise your wardrobe

One of the first things that I did when I read Marie Kondo’s book last year was to declutter my wardrobe. I gathered up clothes from my wardrobe, and anywhere else, and then sorted through them, creating 4 piles: keep bin charity shop sell The declutter itself...

How to declutter any room

After I wrote one of my first decluttering books, I realised that when I decluttered any part of my house, I used the same process. It’s one that I learned as a nurse and was similar to the coaching process and a learning tool developed by MindMap expert Tony...

Are you cluttered or untidy?

I’m currently writing a book on decluttering your wardrobe, and one thing that I wanted to clarify for everyone is the difference between being cluttered and being untidy. Being cluttered is about having too much stuff. This maybe about having too many  things...