10 Commandments of decluttering

10 Commandments of decluttering

I was looking at the Karen Brown Training website, to see which blog posts to bring over to this site, and came across an old one about my 10 commandments for LinkedIn. So this got me thinking about the 10 commandments for decluttering.

  1. Thou shalt set thy decluttering goal. When you start decluttering have a goal in mind of what you want to achieve. It could be to declutter your wardrobe, a specific room or part of a room for example your workdesk. Use SMART ARSE goals to make sure that your goal is specific, you know when you’re successful and there is a time limit to when it should be completed.
  2. Thou shalt plan how thou shalt complete thine goal. A goal without a plan is just a wish. Break down you goal into sub goal and actions. For example, if you’re decluttering your wardrobe break it down into groups such as coats and jackets, tops, bottom, underwear, accessories.
  3. Thou shalt visualise how thine home will look, sound and smell when finished. When you can imagine your finished goal, you’re more motivated to complete your goal.
  4. Thou shalt only declutter thine own stuff. It’s ok to declutter your own stuff, but you don’t have the right to throw away someone else’s things. What you think of as rubbish may be priceless to someone else.
  5. Everything shalt have it’s own home. It’s easier to keep a place decluttered when things have their own storage space.
  6. Thou shalt keep the things thy loveth. If you love it, keep it. If you’re holding onto things you don’t like because someone else gave it to you, then remember that how you feel about them isn’t tied to what they gave you.
  7. Thou shalt keep the things that thy useth. If you use it, and it’s useful, then keep it. If it needs repairing, then either repair it or let it go. If it is no longer useful or functional, then let it go.
  8. Thou shalt throw it away, give it away or sell it. Letting go of stuff is the hardest thing to do, but I find that personally I prefer to find things a new home, where I know it will be appreciated.
  9. Thou shalt bank each success. Whether your success is big or small, bank a success a day. It’s a great habit to get into.
  10. Thou shalt reward thyself for thine efforts. When you have completed your goal, reward yourself for your efforts. Make it something personal and something that you’ll value.