QR code

QR code for Karen’s LinkedIn profile

One of the first things that I check when I review someone’s LinkedIn profile is whether or not they have personalised their LinkedIn URL. One of the reasons for this, is that if someone were to Google your details, for example a potential employer, then what you really need is your LinkedIn account to be shown higher than your other social media accounts. Google doesn’t rank generic LinkedIn URL’s, but it does place personalised one’s at the top of search results. (Try it for yourself. Google your name and either your location or job title and see what shows first.) The other reason is that having a personalised URL is essential when you want to create a QR code for your LinkedIn profile.

To personalise your LinkedIn URL

  • Logon to your LinkedIn account and navigate to the Edit Profile screen
  • Your LinkedIn URL is shown under your image, click on the pen icon to the right of it. You may have to hover your mouse over the link for the pen to appear.
  • On the top right hand side, there is a box to Your Public Profile URL and in this includes your current URL. Click on Customize your Public Profile URL.
  • In the message box that appears, enter a new URL for example your name. If that has already been taken, as mine was, then choose an alternative. Note: You can change this URL, but if you do, LinkedIn won’t redirect users to the new one, so choose carefully and make it your permanent URL.
  • Click on Set Custom URL to finish.

QR Codes

I first came across QR codes in a group discussion on LinkedIn where one of the coaches there suggested that this was a cool tool for job seekers that had gotten brilliant results for her clients. Anecdotally, a client handing out a business/networking card with a QR code linking to their LinkedIn profile at a job fair was given an interview on the spot, purely because the recruiter hadn’t seen this used before and immediately wanted to hire such an innovative person. So what are QR codes? QR or Quick Response codes are 2 dimensional barcodes that can be used by free apps on smartphones to direct a person to a range of different services such as phone numbers, email addresses and website addresses.

Creating your own code is very easy and FREE. Don’t let anyone charge you for one. There are a number of websites that provide them, these include:




Simply copy and paste your LinkedIn URL into the URL field and then download or save the image generated.

Using your QR code

There are two places that job hunters can use QR codes:

  • On your networking card. Networking cards are the job seekers equivalent of business cards and yours should include your contact details, a link to your LinkedIn profile and a QR code linking to your LinkedIn profile. This link will give you lots of ideas as to how you can combine a QR with your networking card, to create instant impact.
  • On your CV or resume. Place the QR code in the top right-hand side of your resume, with instructions to “scan to view my LinkedIn profile”. That way, potential employers can scan the code and view your full profile. If you have skills that have been endorsed and recommendations from colleagues and clients then your credibility increases no end.

By adding QR codes to your networking card and resume, you are adding instant impact to them, and increasing your chances of getting an interview for the job that you want.

That’s it for today. To get the most from this post, you need to take action, so my actions points for this post are:

  • personalize your LinkedIn URL if you haven’t done so already
  • create a QR code for your LinkedIn profile
  • research networking cards with QR codes, choose a design and get some of your own made up
  • add your QR code to your resume template

If you’re looking for a job, then why not take my free Get That Job challenge? It covers preparing a resume that gets you interviews, building a killer LinkedIn profile, networking and interview skills. Alternatively my Get That Job Club has an exclusive range of courses and resources designed to help you get the job that you want. Try it for 1 month for only €5.

If you’d like some 1:1 help and support, then consider becoming a VIP client. My VIP package includes 13 weeks resume and LinkedIn coaching, weekly coaching calls (in person, by phone or via Skype), email support and so much. Check it out.

See you here tomorrow where we’ll start looking at personal branding and why it’s so important for those looking for work.

Take care for now

Karen x

My job is to help you get the job that you want.