How to set SMART ARSE Goals

How to set SMART ARSE Goals

On my coaching course, when we looked at goal setting, we were reintroduced to SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely). We were then shown a couple of variations on SMART:

  • SMARTER = SMART + Energy/Enthusiasm + Reward
  • SMART CAR = SMART +Commitment + Accountability + Reward

Me being me, decided that that I liked some of these variations and came up with my own. So, let me introduce you to setting SMART ARSE goals:

  • SMART ARSE = SMART + Accountability + Reward + Support + Energy.

In terms of setting a specific goal, then, from a coaching point of view, we ask questions around the goal to test its validity and achievability, looking not just at WHAT the goal is, but HOW it is going to be achieved. There is no point in setting yourself up for failure, so by examining the goal from a number of angles, you can put in place various strategies to ensure the goals success. For example:

  • Specific – What is the goal? How specific is it?
  • Measurable – How will you know when you have achieved the goal?
  • Achievable – What steps can you put in place to ensure that you can achieve your goal? What options are there? What obstacles may be in your way? What can you do about them?
  • Realistic – How realistic is your goal? What evidence is there to support this?
  • Timely – What is the timescale for you to achieve your goal? Again, what evidence is there to support this?


  • Accountability – How will you be held accountable for achieving your goal?
  • Resources/Research – What resources or research will you need to do/have you done for this goal?
  • Support – What support systems have you in place to help you achieve your goal?
  • Energy – How will you maintain your energy levels and motivation during the project? Your energy levels will be high at the start but will fall off. How can you prepare for this, and how will you move past it?

As a trainer, a goal for me would be something like:

lose two pounds in weight in one week

It meets all the criteria of what a goal should be.

The difference with goal setting in the coaching is that we not only look at what the goal is, but also at what actions you will commit to, to make them happen.

Try it for yourself and let me know how you get on.

Take care for now.

Karen x