One of the most frequently asked questions I get is: what are my publishing options? So, in this post, I want to clarify what your options are when it comes to actually publishing your books.
When it comes down to it, there really are only two options when it comes to it:
- someone else publishes your book
- you publish your book.
It’s that simple and that complicated.
Someone else publishes your book
This is traditionally publishing… you write the book, submit it to an agent and/or a publisher, get a contract and bob’s your uncle, your book gets published…
Except it’s not quite as simple as that.
There are different types of publishers. The big 5 that many people are familiar with, smaller publishing houses and hybrid publishers.
The big and small publishing houses essentially contract for the right to publish your book for the exclusive rights to publish your book for a number of years. They pay for the editing, proofreading, book covers, printing, distribution, marketing etc and you get paid a royalty. In this case the publisher is the one taking the risks, and will invest in books that are most likely to sell.
With the biggest publishers, you’ll need an agent to get a foot through the door.
Hybrid publishers, including some vanity publishers, limit that risk by asking you to pay a fee. In exchange they’ll use that money to do much of what a publishing house does, and you get some copies of your book in return. The downside of these publishers is that they sometimes don’t have your best interests at heart and will print the book regardless of how many it will sell. Use a hybrid publisher if your only goal is to see your book in your hands.
Jane Friedman has an incredible download that she created that summarises your option. You can access it here.
You self-publish your book
When you choose this option, then you’re taking on responsibility for all the things that a publishing house would do:
- formatting your book
- editing it
- proofreading
- your book cover
- ordering proof copies
- sending your book out to Beta readers
- sending out advanced copies to reviewers
- printing your book
- distributing your book
- marketing your book
- generating pr for your book
- book launches and book signings etc.
Yes, there’s quite a lot there!
The thing is, most of it you can learn given time, but some of it you’ll have to delegate and pay for someone to do it for you. Realistically, if you want to publish a quality book, you’re going to have to invest in in, the same way a publishing house would. However, like any investment, only invest what you can afford to lose, as not all investments pay off.
This website is here to help you if you want to go the self-publishing route.
The book templates help you by making formatting your book that much easier, whilst the free challenge gives you an overview of the process, and help you take the very first steps in publishing your book.
You can sign up to the challenge below.

Let’s have a chat!
If you’d like a chat about formatting your books, then you can schedule a free, no-obligation call with me.
Just schedule a time in my diary.