
Posts around self-publishing

How to assess your LinkedIn profile

I’ve looked at a few clients LinkedIn profiles in my time and as a result have developed a quick checklist to identify any work needed.  You can use this to check your profile and see what changes...

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How to develop a LinkedIn strategy

A strategy is quite simply a plan of action and with LinkedIn, the old adage “you can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep” assumes a whole new meaning, so it really is a good idea to...

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How to get started with Twitter

I have to admit I am a big fan of Twitter.  There are a number of reasons for this, and I set out some in the 10 reasons why businesses should be on Twitter post. This post is about how to get...

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10 Reasons to be on LinkedIn

Whether you're in a job or not, whether you have your own business or not, you should be on LinkedIn.  LinkedIn is like Facebook for business professionals, but is so much more powerful. Here are...

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