
Posts around self-publishing

Decluttering your paperwork

Paperwork is one of those things that keeps building up, unless you tackle it periodically. It is also the third thing on the KonMari order of decluttering, with your wardrobe and books being the...

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How to organise your kitchen

I'll be honest here. With my husband recovering from major surgery, and my Dad in hospital too, I've had to get in a cleaner to help me manage my home this month. There are only so many hours in the...

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How to organise your wardrobe

One of the first things that I did when I read Marie Kondo's book last year was to declutter my wardrobe. I gathered up clothes from my wardrobe, and anywhere else, and then sorted through them,...

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How to declutter any room

After I wrote one of my first decluttering books, I realised that when I decluttered any part of my house, I used the same process. It's one that I learned as a nurse and was similar to the coaching...

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The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

At the beginning of the year, one of the goals I set myself was to read a book each week. This weeks book review is on Hal Elrod's book, The Miracle Morning. What it's about Hal Elrod has developed...

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Are you cluttered or untidy?

I'm currently writing a book on decluttering your wardrobe, and one thing that I wanted to clarify for everyone is the difference between being cluttered and being untidy. Being cluttered is about...

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My week of beautiful TED talks

This week, I kept with the theme of using the TED app to surprise me, and asked it to show me a series of beautiful TED talks. In this category, I found the definition of beautiful covered music and...

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How to start a gratitude journal

Once I realised that I was capable of change, and when I noticed that I'd developed a habit of making porridge each morning, I decided that it was time for me to start a new habit. A habit of...

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18 Rules of Happiness

This month's books all centre on the concept of happiness. The 18 Rules of Happiness: How to be Happy by Karl Moore is a short read but does exactly what it says: provides you with 18 simple rules...

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TED Talks – Random TED Talks

I've been working on developing my TED habit for a while now, but setting goals of what to see each week hasn't really worked for me. My goal was specifically see a TED talk each day, not 7 per...

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