Posts around self-publishing4 Ways you could infringe someone else’s intellectual property, without realising!
Last week I had the less than delightful experience of getting an email from Amazon. They were pulling one of my books because someone had reported a Trademark infringement. As you can imagine, I...
How do I make a self-published book look professional?
How do you make a self-published book not look "self-published" was a question that I was invited to answer on Quora, however, the real question was how do you make a self-published book look...
What’s stopping you from writing?
I want to share something with you that may surprise you. At school, I was rubbish at English. I didn't understand comprehension. I didn't understand where or how the teachers could extrapolate what...
5 Investments you should make in your book
I was writing the answer to a Quora post when the idea for this post came up. The question was around publishing a book so that it looks professional, but to me it was about the investments you...
What are my publishing options?
One of the most frequently asked questions I get is: what are my publishing options? So, in this post, I want to clarify what your options are when it comes to actually publishing your books. When...
What are the differences between a copy editor and a proofreader?
A common question that I am often asked is: “Are proofreaders and copy editors the same?” The quick answer is no. They are completely different roles and they have different importance for authors...
Editing: Types of editors and edits
When it comes to writing your book, you know the plot or outline, have your templates sorted, and have the book cover finalised. You’ve finished writing, and you’re ready to publish. Hold on! Any...
Amazon KDP: 5 Clear-cut reasons why you should not use it
I love Amazon KDP, as you know pretty much all my books are published through Amazon, but there are 5 reasons why you shouldn't publish through Amazon KDP. The reasons are simply around your...
How to re-size a document in MS Word
There are several reasons why you might want to learn how to re-size a document in MS Word. I do this all the time when I'm creating the structure of my books for example, but if you were looking to...
100 Goals for 2021
I think it's fair to say that no-one was prepared for 2020 and even though I achieved some fo the goals that I set last year, I couldn't imagine the year we would have. It was the year we lost my...
How do you define success as an author?
One of the first things that I learned on my coaching course was around how you define success. Money For some people, success is defined by how much money they or someone else has. The more you or...
3 Mistakes to Avoid In Your Affirmation Practice
I'm not an expert on affirmations but my own coach is, and we are always working on them. They have helped me immensely, but it has taken a while. In this post, I'll share three mistakes to avoid in...
9 Steps for Creating Powerful Affirmations
Positive affirmations are one of my happy habits for a reason and in this post I'm going to share nine steps for creating powerful affirmations. Affirmations can help to re-program your mindset and...
7 Hidden Benefits of Positive Affirmations
As you know, affirmations are one of my Happy Habits, but they are also helping me build my business. It's weird but then again maybe not, when you think that affirmations are the antidote to...
6 Ways to start the day positively
How you start the morning is how you set yourself up for the day. In this post, I'll share six ways to start the day positively There is a Cherokee legend about the two wolves inside us that are...