Posts around self-publishingWriting an Amazon Kindle Book: Dos and Don’ts
Are you looking to capitalize on the popular reputation of e-books and the famous Amazon Kindle? The great thing about writing books for Amazon Kindle is that pretty much anyone can do it. Of...
Write a How-To Book for Amazon Kindle in 8 Easy Steps
Did you know that the very first book that I wrote was "How to optimise your LinkedIn profile"? It's been a few years now since I wrote that book, but How-to books are still very popular and are a...
5 Ways to write your book
When I talk to new clients about writing their book, their initial impression is that they have to sit down with either a pen and paper or a laptop and writing your book. However, that's not always...
What size should my book be?
If you've been to a bookshop recently (and I know that has been difficult lately), you will have noticed that books come in all sorts of sizes. As a self-publishing author it's your job to know the...
Saying I’m sorry
The other night a dreamed about my mum. I forget most of the dream, but the last bit really stuck with me. You see she passed away 6 years ago, around this time. In my dream, Mum was sad. There was...
4 Things to consider when designing your book cover
In days gone by, book covers were easy: they were simply a coloured hardback book with gold leaf printing on the spine and front cover. These days you have a range of materials and images that are...
Miss you, sis
I don't know if it's a Catholic thing or an Irish thing, but every year over here, we have a mass said for a person who has gone before us. In my family, so many people have passed away in...
3 Common questions aspiring authors ask
As I've started helping aspiring authors, I get asked a lot of questions about the process, but three questions keep popping up: how long does it take to write a book? how do you know if the book is...
16 Things to consider BEFORE you start writing your book
Recently, I've started to help others write their book and self-publish it on Amazon. However, before I start working with someone, it helps to get clear on what they want before we start. These are...
5 Reasons why you should write your own book
6 years ago, I wrote my first book. It was called "How to optimize your LinkedIn profile". It was an ebook that did really well when it was free, but when it wasn't, then there was crickets! Since...
The pro’s and con’s of publishing your own book
Companies like Amazon have made publishing your own book so much easier than you think. But should you self publish or try and find an agent and a publishing house to publish your book? I've learnt...
3 Reasons why you habits are the foundation to your success
If you want to build something, anything, from a house to a business, it needs a solid foundation, and that foundation lies in your habits. Whether your goal is to lose weight, write a book or save...
101 Goals for 2020
It's that time of year again. A time to reflect on this year, and set some goals for the coming year. This is something I've been doing since completing my My Coaching course in 2015. I use Leonie...
2019 Goals in review
Since completing my Life Coaching course in 2015, I've been setting goals for myself each year, using Leonie Dawson's Shining Life Workbook. It's a great little workbook that helps you review the...
4 Key benefits of journaling
One of the reasons I started to write my own journals was that I had bought so many in the past myself. It's something I've been doing for some time now and is one of the 12 key habits that I...